This is a six week Bible study created to be done as a group and with no homework. It is described as a 40 minute lesson that is discussed each week. The topic of igniting your passion for God is divided up in six week focusing on igniting your passion for God's Word, prayer, worship of God, and sharing the Gospel. The last lesson is focused on how suffering ignites passion.
Using the Precept method for Bible Study, as you read the Scripture passage, you mark key words with specific symbols. It is a way of getting to the heart of the Scripture passage. A leader is needed to facilitate the group and the leader would need to be familiar with the passage and highlight the key words prior to the lesson.
The study guide is designed to be used where groups are meeting for a shorter period of time (i.e. over the lunch hour, early morning meeting time, etc.). In leading a Bible study group, for many years, I am not sure that the material in each lesson can be covered in 40 minutes. You may have to divide each lesson to go over two meeting times. It would depend on the number of people in the group and the group dynamics.
It is an interesting topic and would make for an interesting discussion.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.