For anyone involved in urban ministry or for anyone just desiring to reach out in their neighborhood, this book is for you. It will both challenge you and encourage you. To begin with Doug Logan uses the examples of Adam, Nehemiah, Jesus and Paul to illustrate the steps needed in missional engagement. First we must go to engage the people on our block just as God reaches out to us as sinful people. Then like Nehemiah, we need to step into people's pain and grief and grieve with them before their hearts can be transformed. We also have to build teamwork in what is done and look to God for hope to rebuild a city. Following the example of Jesus we need to be sensitive to the culture of our neighborhood and understand that missional engagement is not just for pastors and missionaries, but for all followers of Christ. And then like Paul, we need to identify the idols of the culture, show the true nature of God, expose how the culture is absent of truth, show how the idols cannot represent God, and preach the resurrection of Jesus.
Doug Logan uses these principles as he shares his story of planting a church in Camden, New Jersey. Although the stories he shares take place in the urban setting, the principles he shares is applicable to anyone who wants to reach out in their own neighborhood.
I received this book from Moody Publishers for this review.