Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Fraying at the Edge by Cindy Woodsmall

This is the second in the "The Amish of Summer Grove" series. If you have not read the first book, there is a synopsis of it in the beginning of this book and a list of the main characters in the back. Without those helps, it would be difficult to follow the plot in this book.

Skylar and Ariana were born on the same day and delivered by an Amish midwife in a Birthing Center. The Center caught on fire immediately after the babies were born and unfortunately they were switched and the mothers were unaware it. One baby was raised in an Amish family and the other by a single mother. 18 years later and the truth comes out about the switch. In order to keep the midwife from being sued, Ariana brought up in the Amish family is required to live with her mother and birth father in the "Englisch" society. Skylar is required to live with her Amish family or go to a rehab unit to deal with her addiction to prescription drugs.      

This book deals with how Skylar and Ariana deal with this upheaval in their lives. How they try to adjust and what they learn about the different life styles
makes for an enjoyable read. The ending is left up in the air to leave no doubt that there will be a third book in the series.

I usually do not read Amish fiction, but I did enjoy the plot in this book and found it interesting. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Torch Kept Lit by William F. Buckley, Jr.

This book is a collection of eulogies written by William F. Buckley, Jr., who is known as the godfather of modern American conservatism. His friends and acquaintances ranged from David Niven to Barry Goldwater to name a few. The eulogies are also written about those who were well known individuals and not so well known individuals of the 20th century.

The eulogies are divided into the categories of Presidents; Family; Arts and Letters; Generals, Spies and Statesmen; Friends; and finally Nemeses. Each offers a unique insight into the life of the individual and in most cases the person's relationship with Buckley.

The book is well written and informative for anyone interested in learning about a number of individuals as seen through the lens of the author.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.      

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Momentum by Colin S. Smith

Most of us are familiar with The Beatitudes, but do we really understand the meaning of each one and its application to our lives. In "Momentum," Pastor Colin Smith examines each Beatitude and gives practical guidelines to how each Beatitude can help you in your spiritual journey. Each of the first seven Beatitudes describes the life each Christian should pursue. The eighth Beatitude is different in that it describes the outcome of living the life described by the first seven.

What I really appreciated about this book is the Gaining Momentum in each chapter which gives practical ways to live out each Beatitude. This book greatly added to my understanding of The Beatitudes and would make for a great individual or group study.

I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.  

Love, Henri by Henri J.M. Nouwen

"Love, Henri" is a collection of letter written by Henri Nouwen starting in 1973 and continuing up to the time of his death in 1996. Nouwen is the well known authors of many books including "The Return of the Prodigal Son" and "The Wounded Healer."

Nouwen shares spiritual wisdom and insight to the recipients of his letters. Through these letters you receive a glimpse into the longings of his heart and his authenticity in leading the Christian life. He shares his sorrows and joys during the time as a teacher, a visiting Trappist monk, a missionary in Latin America and finally as a pastor to a community with people with disabilities.

In reading the letters, you see that Henri Nouwen certainly had the gift of encouragement. His example in encouraging others in the faith is a good one to emulate. This is both a thought provoking and challenging book. One that will resonant with those who appreciate the works of Henri Nouwen.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this honest review