Scripture is filled with references to angels, bur would you recognize one if you saw one? Scot McKnight writes about how to recognize these messengers of God all around us and helps the reader to understand how God might be using them to affect our lives.
The author discusses the following topics: In defense of angels; God's loving presence in angels; God's loving advocacy from angels; and God's loving transformation through angels. Angels are not sent to us for the thrill of the moment or to prove we are spiritual. Angels dwell in God's presence and are sent to us only if and when God's sends them on a mission for our redemption.
The core Bible teaching about angels is that: God is Love. All that God does is loving. God sends angels to us because God loves us. Love is a rugged commitment to be with, to be for us so that we can progress unto Christlikeness. Angels are sent to express God's love by being God's presence with us, by being God's presence for us in guarding us, and to lead us into the redemption of Christlikeness.
This book uses Scripture to help the reader understand the importance of angels in the Christian's life as well as illustrating the presence of angels with some personal examples. Makes for thought provoking reading in furthering the understanding of the role of angels and to listen for the hum of angels.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review