This is a heartbreaking true story of a former captive of the Islamic State. Nadia and her family belonged to the Yazidi community in the village of Kocho, in northern Iraq. This peaceful community got along well with their Muslim neighbors until ISIS captured their town. Everyone in the small village was either captured or killed. Nadia was taken captive along with other female family members and all were sold as sex slaves within the ISIS network.
Although she was repeatedly raped and beaten, Nadia manages to escape. She is able to tell her story to the United Nations and to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Her courage and strength are an inspiration. The story opens the reader's eyes to the brutality of ISIS and also gives an understanding of the Yadizi people and their religion.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
A Prairie Girl's Faith by Stephen W. Hines
Laura Ingalls Wilder is well known for her "Little House on the Prairie" series of books. What is not well known is what her spiritual life was like. The author attempts to cast some light on Laura's spiritual life as she was growing up in her pioneer family as well as in her later life.
While not going into a great deal of detail, examples of the hymns the Wilder family would have sung and a history of the churches they attended are described. There are also recollections of people who knew her personally during her later years.
It makes for interesting reading for those who are fans of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
While not going into a great deal of detail, examples of the hymns the Wilder family would have sung and a history of the churches they attended are described. There are also recollections of people who knew her personally during her later years.
It makes for interesting reading for those who are fans of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Nourished by Lia Huber
This memoir is one of food, faith and enduring love. And it also includes recipes which adds an extra bonus to reading this book. Lia Huber's quest to be nourished takes many twists and turns along the way beginning in Corfu, winding through Mexico. Costa Rico, and other inviting places. Along the way she discovers new foods and tastes which she describes so well to the reader.
Not only is Lia looking for physical nourishment, but she finds she is also looking to fill a void she feels both spiritually and emotionally. Along the way she becomes a Christian and her spiritual journey is interwoven through her story. Faced with a number of physical challenges, she learns the art of enjoying simple food and finding hope and healing as a result.
Her journey is one in which she discovers her calling to be nourished and to nourish others.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
Not only is Lia looking for physical nourishment, but she finds she is also looking to fill a void she feels both spiritually and emotionally. Along the way she becomes a Christian and her spiritual journey is interwoven through her story. Faced with a number of physical challenges, she learns the art of enjoying simple food and finding hope and healing as a result.
Her journey is one in which she discovers her calling to be nourished and to nourish others.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.
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