Using the example of David facing Goliath, Andy McQuitty
shows the reader how to develop a courageous faith in today’s challenging
world. Only by relying on God can we become brave enough to live fully and
courageously today and face tomorrow without fear.
There are some good reminders throughout the
book including the fact that our primary mission on earth is not to engage the
culture but to love our neighbor.
Using Scripture and personal illustrations throughout, the
book is divided into the sections: God calls us, God anoints us, God breaks us,
God tests us and God trains us. There is
much practical help in the book to help guide the reader along the pathway to a
courageous soul and to embrace what God is doing in one’s life. Then when one
has a Goliath moment in their live they will have the ability and the tools to
stand, fight and win. I found this book
helpful in dealing with my own personal battles and would recommend it to
I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest