This informative
book about the Holy Spirit reveals many assumptions we as Christians have made
about the Holy Spirit. Reading this book challenged me to examine my own
beliefs and to revise them where I sometimes viewed the Holy Spirit as an
outside force and not an indwelling person. Examining Scripture revealed 10
practices for a new experience of the Holy Spirit which include: Evaluating
your own assumptions about the Holy Spirit; Living in the power of the New
Covenant; Pursuing the Indwelling Person; Worshiping like you are the House of
the Lord; Experiencing the God who already showed up; Seeking a filling not a falling;
Filtering the message in the music; Enjoying
the gift of Biblical emotion; and Maximizing your New Covenant life plan.
A section included
in the back of the book addresses the topic of revival and another section
lists a New Covenant Worship vocabulary. All is all, this is a very inspiring
book and one I intend to go back and study again.
I received
this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.