The type of warfare addressed in this book is spiritual. Dr.
Tony Evans makes the point that everything we do in the physical and visible
realm is caused, provoked or influenced by something in the invisible spiritual
realm. Until we understand and deal with
the spiritual root of a problem or issue in our lives, we will not be able to
correct and fix the physical or visible effects of that problem. The battle is
about Glory. The glory that is rightfully due to God, is what Satan wants for
The book’s chapters include topics about the battle, Satan’s
character and strategy, knowing our spiritual allies, our weapons and winning
the battle. The book informs and instructs readers about the basics of spiritual warfare and ways to
battle back. The important thing to remember in spiritual battles is that
Christians need to claim the victory that God has already won.
The book is very informative and helpful in understanding
the supernatural battlefield. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange
for this honest review.