Thursday, October 3, 2019

You Can Trust God to Write Your Story by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth & Robert Wolgemuth

Sometimes we don’t feel as if our life matters much or our story is not as interesting or compelling as someone else’s. Or perhaps we would rather rewrite our story or exchange it for another’s. In this book, the authors share their own personal stories and also the stories of others to illustrate how God can use challenges in our lives to show His faithfulness. No matter what our story is, we are part of a bigger story with God at work in our lives and the lives of others.

Interwoven among the personal stories, are the stories from Scripture illustrating God’s care in the midst of challenging circumstances. Examples include the stories of Esther, Ruth and Naomi, and Mary the mother of Jesus. The authors also share their own personal story of how God brought them together.

This is a book for anyone who is going through a difficult time. This book offers hope and encouragement to trust a known God to an unknown future and allow Him to write your story.  There are notes along the way to encourage you to share your own story on TrustGodToWriteYourStory.Com

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.