As we approach the Advent season, this is a perfect book to help
you reflect on the meaning of the season. Each chapter is devoted to an
individual character or group of characters including: Joseph, Zechariah &
Elizabeth, Mary, the angels, the innkeeper, the shepherds, the wise men, Simeon
& Anna, and the surprising people in Jesus’ family. Even included is the “monster of Christmas,”
King Herod.
What I really appreciated about the book is that at the end
of each chapter there is a section of study questions to help an individual or
a group reflect on what they have just read. The questions also help the reader apply the truth
that was presented in the chapter to make the Advent season more meaningful. Also at the end of each chapter is a Christmas
song related to the topic of the chapter.
This is a great resource for the Advent season. I received
this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.