Monday, March 30, 2020

The Value of Wrinkles by Isabel Tom

Looking at our views on aging and the elderly is the focus of this book.  I could identify with the author who shared her experiences growing up living with her grandparents and later working with the elderly population. I grew up with my grandparents close by and was drawn to working with the elderly early in my nursing career.  We have much to gain by appreciating and taking time to build relationships with our elderly neighbors, family and friends. Slowing down to listen and hear their stories and share in their experiences adds much to our own lives.

The author shared much practical advice in caring for and building relationships with the elderly. She also shares resources that can aid individuals as they try to navigate healthcare and social services for their elderly loved one.

I hope this unique and valuable book will encourage families to include the elderly in their lives and build relationships between generations.     

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Before You Quit by Doug Gehman

This is a timely book on perseverance. The author deals with various aspects of perseverance including difficulty involving loss, everyday endurance, and perseverance as a lifestyle to name a few. I really appreciated the chapter on moral courage. One of the thoughts included the statement, “When we have a why we can endure almost any how. Survival in suffering is rooted in our ability to find meaning in something beyond ourselves.”  As Christians our courage begins with God, it proceeds forward in obedience and is finished in God’s glory.  Our lives as Christians are rooted in the glory of God. God’s glory can also mean vision, something we see as we connect to God. But it is more than that, it is God’s incomprehensible identity, His rule over all the universe, and His completeness in in Himself.  It is the power of God Himself through Jesus Christ that gives us the courage to persevere.

This is an encouraging book for all Christians as they will encounter various situations in which they will need to persevere. I would highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.