Friday, June 25, 2021

The Visual Word by Patrick Schreiner; Illustrated by Anthony M. Benedetto


This is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in studying the New Testament. The book is laid out as an overview as well as a visual outline of the content of each New Testament book. The icons, titles, and descriptions serve to summarize the main points of each book and how they connect with each other.

The illustrations are beautiful and relate to each section they head. The whole idea of this book is to give you an idea of the literary flow of each book and points to consider in delving deeper into each book.

This is a resource for those who are new to studying the Bible or experienced in Bible study. It can be used for individual study or for those who are teaching or leading a Bible study group. It presents information in a concise, visually appealing, and informative manner. The entire book is beautiful in its presentation.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

What If Jesus Was Serious About Prayer by Skye Jethani


In the introduction the author states, “The truly radical Christian is not the one whose life appears extraordinary, but the one whose unseen communion with God is extraordinary. Living radically is about prayer, not prominence.” For the Christian who wants to live radically for Christ, this book about prayer is for you. It challenges some pre-conceived notions you may have about prayer.

The book is divided into six sections which include short chapters with creative illustrations. The sections are: What Prayer Is (and Isn’t); Keep It Simple (and Unceasing); It’s Off to Work (with God) We Go; Learning to Pray (Like Jesus); The Truth (And Nothing but the Truth) So Help Me God; and Prayer Changes (How You See) the World.

In the end, prayer is not about getting what answers we want, it is about desiring more of God Himself. This is a very helpful and practical book which I highly recommend.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review