Saturday, December 24, 2022

Reading the Bible, Missing the Gospel by Ben Connelly

Many times, when we read the Bible, we miss the gospel in that we only read parts of it and don't view Scripture as a whole. We may also spend little time reading the Bible at all. This book will help us see where Scripture passages fit and where we fit into God's story. To better understand how a given command, verse or story relates to us, the author encourages us to ask the following questions. Who is God? What does God do? Who are we? And What do we do? Also, after we do this, we can also ask ourselves, how does this passage point us to Jesus?  So, when we read the Bible, we look to see how the passage points us to Jesus.

As we do this, we will read the Bible though a new lens. The new lens helps us to read the Bible as the story of God, knowing our place in it and seeing Jesus as the hero. We will look to understand and embrace what the gospel is in its past, present, and future aspects.  

The book is divided into two parts which include the topics of a spiritual eye exam and learning to see clearly. Each chapter has questions at the end to engage the reader in applying the material presents and also for a group discussion. Online resources are also available to make it appropriate to use in a small group setting. Also, included is an afterword for church leaders. This book will help us to focus on seeing the gospel clearly throughout the Bible and as believers in Christ, living out the gospel and applying it in our daily lives.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Six Conversations by Heather Holleman

 As a culture, we are becoming more isolated and divided. This book is an important guide in helping individuals to connect with others and engage in meaningful conversations. The four mindsets of a loving conversation are to be curious, to believe the best, to express concern and to share your life. This will set the tone to have meaningful and connected conversations. Looking at the overall picture of what it means to be human, the areas to focus on are the social, physical, emotional, cognitive, volitional, and spiritual dimensions in asking questions leading to great conversations. Along with the principles presented, there are many illustrations in how to engage in effective and warm conversations. There are effective questions and action steps outlined to implement in any situation.

This book totally changed the way I think about conversations, and I will begin to put some of the principles presented in my conversations. I know this is a book I will refer to frequently and I am already planning on giving copies of this book to others. I highly recommend this book to help improve our conversations with others and to heal some of the divisiveness we are seeing in our society today.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.           

Friday, November 4, 2022

A Deeper Walk by Marcus Warner

This book aims to set forth a understandable and clear path to a deeper walk with God. The goal is to grow in maturity beginning as an infant or child and going on through the stages until becoming a spiritual elder. The path is built on five core elements found in the gospel which are freedom, identity, spirit, heart focused community, and mission. This path goes deeper in faith, deeper in obedience, and aids in living a less fearful life. There is work involved to grow. There is a lot in the book about dealing with spiritual warfare which is very helpful

The book in organized into 11 chapters which can be discussed individually in a small group study. There are also appendices in the book which add to the material presented including: a summary of memory devices, Bible memorization tips, a one year transformation plan, and a ministry model. This book goes beyond the traditional methods of discipleship methods and delves deeper into the spiritual development of the individual which I found extremely helpful/

A received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.



Friday, October 7, 2022

Heaven Rules by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

 This book is an encouraging reminder that when going through challenging times Heaven Rules and that our God is in control. Using the book of Daniel, the author encourages putting our view of God, our view of ourselves and our problems in the right perspective. As the book is read along with the book of Daniel, you will constantly be referring to Scripture to reinforce the concept of Heaven Rules. Heaven Rules over our daily lives and problems, concerns in our nation and world and even in times of crisis. By seeing these issues and concerns through the lens of Heaven Rules, the problems and conflicts will not disappear, but your perspective will.  By keeping your focus on God, through reading Scripture and prayer, you can take comfort that in the end God will overcome.

I highly recommend this book to everyone as we continually need reminders that God is personally, purposefully involved in all that's taking place here on earth. He reigns over everything, and we can take comfort and hope in that.    

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Holy Hygee by Jamie Erickson

 Hygee is a Danish word that has no English word as an equivalent. It implies peace, comfort, and a place to gather.  The author illustrates this concept to include how the truths of the Gospel. Hygee appeals to our desire to escape the busy life, slow down, and connect with others. It is warm and inviting and embraces beauty and contentment.

The chapters in the book include Hospitality, Relationships, Well Being, Atmosphere, Comfort, Contentment, Rest and A Home for the Homeless. At the end of each chapter there are questions to consider about the topic presented, Scripture to read and ponder and a prayer about the topic.  There is also an appendix that has many ideas to put into practice the concepts presented.

This is a timely topic and one our busy world desperately needs. It could be used for a small group discussion. I highly recommend this book.   I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

What If Jesus Was Serious About The Church? by Skye Jethani

Skye Jethani's books are thought provoking and engaging and this one is no exception. Many people today are distrustful of the institutional church, young people brought up in the church are leaving the church, and loneliness and social isolation is becoming more prevalent. Instead of looking to the world and successful businesses to answer these issues, the author takes us to what the New Testament says about the church which is to be a community living connected to God and each other to be a blessing to the world.

 Focusing on the church as a family instead of a building or event, the book is divided into sections. The sections include: The Family Reunion, The Family Meal, The Family Gathering, The Family Business, and The Family Servants. Engaging illustrations introduce each chapter in these sections. After each chapter there are additional Scripture readings to reinforce the topic presented.

 This would be a great small group study and would generate much discussion. The book encourages the reader to rethink views on the church and its place in the world. I highly recommend it for both individual and group study.

 I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Stranger at Our Shore by Joshua Sherif

This insightful book begins with the author's personal journey from Islam to Christianity. Even though his life and the life of his family was difficult and challenging at times as they left Egypt and came to the United States, the author makes a point to live without fear and ministers in a diverse neighborhood in the city of Chicago.

The book is divided in three sections. The first one details the author's personal journey. The second section deals with the three problems that the church faces which are inadequacy, ignorance, and indignation. The third section talks about the three solutions which include love: from charity to family, prayer: from practice to a lifeline and blessing: from comfort to suffering.

At the end of each chapter there are questions to answer and reflect upon. This book would be a thought-provoking study in a group and would generate much discussion. This is a relevant topic for the church and for Christians to discuss and put into practice in their communities.  

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Characters of Creation by Daniel Darling

Looking into the lives of those who were present in the first days following the creation of the world. The author shares new insights into the lives of Adam, Eve, Satan, Cain, Abel, Seth, Enoch, Lamech, the Nephilim, Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth. As you learn more about the story of these characters and the roles they played in God’s plan of reconciliation and re-creation, you will also see yourself as the image bearer of God and how God sees you. You will begin to understand the end of the story and God’s plan of redemption in Jesus Christ.

This is a very informative book and a new way of looking at the creation story. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.    

Saturday, June 11, 2022

A Non-Anxious Presence by Mark Sayers


This is a book for Christian leaders facing the challenges of leading during uncertain times. The world and individuals are experiencing anxiety and the methods of leading in the past are not working in the present times. The author explains the history of how we got to where we are now explaining the concept of the gray zone or in between area. From there a discussion of the anxious world we live in and how to deal with networking in the world is presented. Finally, how to lead in the gray zone or the wilderness is addressed.

This book is relevant for the changing times we live in as well as the changing landscape of what it looks like to lead. I highly recommend this book for thoughtful reading as well as encouragement for leading the church into the future.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

My Yes Is On The Table by Jennifer Hand

So many times, fear holds us back from fully living out the purpose that God has intended for us. The author shares the story of the Israelites as they traveled through the wilderness to the Promised Land.  Each chapter challenges the reader to take a step in faith, and not let fear get in the way. Each chapter has a section including a “Yes Prayer” and “Heart Work” to apply the principles presented.

The author shares many of her personal experiences to also illustrate how to move away fear to moving forward with His plans.  By putting your “yes” on the table, the reader will be able to see how God can move in ways you never imagined.  This book could be used as a group study as well as an individual study. I highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.     



Monday, May 16, 2022

Glad You’re Here by Walker Hayes & Craig Allen Cooper

This is the heartwarming story of two unlikely friends and their spiritual journeys. Walker Hayes is a singer-songwriter and Craig Cooper is a storyteller and Bible teacher. This accounting of their friendship is inspiring and a great example to emulate in our society today. Building relationships with others who do not share our faith and living out our faith as Christians is what is needed in our world today.     

I highly recommend this book.  I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Knowing Sin by Mark Jones


Not much is written or spoken about sin today. The author, Puritan scholar Mark Jones, takes a look at how the Puritans understood and spoke about the power of sin and its effects.

These thoughts of the Puritans are summarized in a number of topics including the origin of sin,  temptations of sin, contagion of sin, vocabulary of sin, sorrow of sin, secrecy of sin, and manipulation of sin to name a few. No one is without sin. It affects us all. The question is not whether we struggle with sin, but rather what are we doing about sin.  The path to overcoming sin begins with knowing about sin itself and then finding the path to victory over sin with the help of God.   

This book is for anyone interested in the doctrine of sin and how the Puritans viewed sin. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.


Saturday, April 2, 2022

Literarily by Kristie Anyabwile

This book is designed to help individuals read the Bible literarily. Instead of reading the Bible as one big book, it is important to study the Bible according to the literary style that is found in each particular book, chapter or passage.

The Bible is the epic story of God revealed through various and different genres and literary styles. Chapters in the book illustrate literary styles including the law, Old Testament narratives, poetry, wisdom, prophecy, Gospels, epistles, and apocalyptic. At the end of each chapter there are questions to help transform the study of the particular genre presented in the chapter,

This is a very helpful book for anyone interested in studying the Bible. It would be appropriate for those who are new to studying the Bible as well as those who have studied the Bible for some time. There are valuable insights to be gained whatever your experience.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Kingdom Race Theology by Tony Evans


Kingdom Race Theology as defined by Dr. Tony Evans is “the reconciled recognition, affirmation, and celebration of the divinely created ethnic differences through which God displays His multifaceted glory and advances His rule in history. God displays His glory through us while His people justly, righteously, and responsibly function in personal and corporate unity under the lordship of Jesus Christ.”

The importance of exercising Biblical justice is illustrated by applying God’s moral law through economic, political, social and criminal justice. Dr. Evans encourages Christians and churches to practice Kingdom Race Theology by listing actions for white Christians as well as for black Christians. He also includes a three point plan for a national impact through the church through Assembling, Addressing and Acting,

In this day of racial divide, this book addresses a biblical approach to addressing the racial tensions that exist today.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.       



Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The 7 Resolutions by Karl Clauson


How many times have you made New Year’s resolutions to break a bad habit or start a new routine only to fall short a few weeks later? Are you trying to live the Christian life on your own strength just like you are trying on your own to break a bad habit or made a decision? This book illustrates 7 resolutions you can make with God which will enable you to shed old patterns of living and live a new life in His power.

By affirming God’s way of doing things, you can radically change your life. The resolutions are Join God, Think Truth, Kill Sin, Choose Friends, Take Risks, Focus Effort, and Redeem Time. The book includes helpful application questions at the end of each chapter along with helpful online resources to use as an individual or as a group study. This is not another self-help book, but a guide to live fully in God’s power.

I highly recommend this book. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  


Thursday, January 6, 2022

50 Most Important Bible Questions by Michael Rydelink

The author, Michael Rydelink, a Moody Bible Institute professor as well as a radio host, has written a book that contains the questions about the Bible that radio listeners most often ask him as well as the answers to those questions.

The Chapters include: Questions About the Gospel and Salvation; Questions about the Bible in General; Questions about the Old Testament; Questions about Jesus the Messiah; Questions about the Jewish People; Questions about Seeming Contradictions and Mysteries and Questions About Biblical Concerns and Practices.

You can either read through the entire book which makes for informative and interesting reading or you can use this book as a resource to answer your questions or the questions someone may ask of you.  Either way it is a book you will want to keep handy as you study the Bible.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

50 Most Important Theological Terms by J. Brian Tucker and David Finkbeiner

This is a valuable resource that will help you to understand God, ourselves and what it means to follow Him. The information set forth in this book is designed to increase your knowledge in obeying God by clearing defining terms and concepts to help you grow in your Christian faith as set forth in Scripture.

The book is divided into 10 chapters: Theological Practice and Identity, The Doctrine of Revelation, The Doctrine of God, The Doctrine of Christ, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, The Doctrine of Angels, Satan and Demons, The Doctrine of Humanity and Sin, The Doctrine of Salvation, The Doctrine of the Church, and The Doctrine of Last Things.

You may use the book as a reference book to look up a theological term you are not familiar with. You may also want to use it to study a specific doctrine of the faith or you may want to read the book straight through to survey all the major doctrines of the Christian faith. However you want to use this book, you will find that is a valuable addition to any study of the Bible and an aid to your Christian growth.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.