Not much is written or spoken about sin today. The author,
Puritan scholar Mark Jones, takes a look at how the Puritans understood and
spoke about the power of sin and its effects.
These thoughts of the Puritans are summarized in a number of
topics including the origin of sin, temptations of sin, contagion of sin, vocabulary of sin, sorrow of sin, secrecy of sin, and manipulation of sin to name a few.
No one is without sin. It affects us all. The question is not whether we struggle
with sin, but rather what are we doing about sin. The path to overcoming sin begins with
knowing about sin itself and then finding the path to victory over sin with the
help of God.
This book is for anyone interested in the doctrine of sin
and how the Puritans viewed sin. I received this book from Moody Publishers in
exchange for this honest review.