Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Six Conversations by Heather Holleman

 As a culture, we are becoming more isolated and divided. This book is an important guide in helping individuals to connect with others and engage in meaningful conversations. The four mindsets of a loving conversation are to be curious, to believe the best, to express concern and to share your life. This will set the tone to have meaningful and connected conversations. Looking at the overall picture of what it means to be human, the areas to focus on are the social, physical, emotional, cognitive, volitional, and spiritual dimensions in asking questions leading to great conversations. Along with the principles presented, there are many illustrations in how to engage in effective and warm conversations. There are effective questions and action steps outlined to implement in any situation.

This book totally changed the way I think about conversations, and I will begin to put some of the principles presented in my conversations. I know this is a book I will refer to frequently and I am already planning on giving copies of this book to others. I highly recommend this book to help improve our conversations with others and to heal some of the divisiveness we are seeing in our society today.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.           

Friday, November 4, 2022

A Deeper Walk by Marcus Warner

This book aims to set forth a understandable and clear path to a deeper walk with God. The goal is to grow in maturity beginning as an infant or child and going on through the stages until becoming a spiritual elder. The path is built on five core elements found in the gospel which are freedom, identity, spirit, heart focused community, and mission. This path goes deeper in faith, deeper in obedience, and aids in living a less fearful life. There is work involved to grow. There is a lot in the book about dealing with spiritual warfare which is very helpful

The book in organized into 11 chapters which can be discussed individually in a small group study. There are also appendices in the book which add to the material presented including: a summary of memory devices, Bible memorization tips, a one year transformation plan, and a ministry model. This book goes beyond the traditional methods of discipleship methods and delves deeper into the spiritual development of the individual which I found extremely helpful/

A received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.