I felt a sense of accomplishment when I finished "Alexander Hamilton." This over 700 page book is a fascinating look at the life of Alexander Hamilton and the basis for the overwhelmingly popular musical, "Hamilton." Not only do you learn a lot about who Alexander Hamilton was, you also get a glimpse into the politics of the day. Not surprising to learn that things have not really changed when it comes to opposing parties lashing out at each other. Hamilton was guilty of that as was John Adams, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson to name a few.
It was a challenging read, but I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about not only Alexander Hamilton but also the founding of the country. Too often he is overlooked, but is credited for writings which formed the basis of the constitution as well as the establishment of the Department of the Treasury. Alexander Hamilton was an imperfect person but a genius in many ways and we in the United States have a lot to thank him for.
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