Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker

This is a practical guide to begin taking steps to not only declutter your home, but your life. In this step by step guide you will go through each area in your home and evaluate what needs to go and what needs to stay.  The author shares his own experiences and the experiences of others to demonstrate the value of refocusing your life by decluttering your home.

The book is divided into easy to read chapters and begins by explaining minimalism and its benefits. Then each chapter is devoted to a specific space in the home giving specific guidelines and suggestions. The last part of the book talks about moving forward once you have worked on decluttering and refocusing your life.

The thrust of the book is that by embracing minimalism it will help you to begin to make positive changes in your life. It will create the setting for making it easier to make those needed changes in your life including having more time for your family, being less stressed about things and having time to keep your priorities in place.

I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan

The prevailing thought in our culture today seems to be to follow your heart’s desires and if that leads you to believe that your sexual desires determine your identity that is fine as well. In this thought provoking and well researched book, Christopher Yuan takes issue with that belief. This is not a book only for those who struggle with same sex attraction or for those who care for someone who identifies as LGBTQ, it is for all of us as Rosaria Butterfield states in the Forward to the book.

The problem is when we allow our feelings and desires to define us as a person. In other words, what I feel becomes who I am. Where we need to start is at the beginning when God created all of us in His image, but because of the Fall, we are all distorted by sin. As Christians, when we realize we can understand our desires and submit them to Christ, we can begin to live according to God’s will.
Yuan goes on to define the concept of Holy Sexuality which consists of two paths: chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. Both of these paths display the only correct biblical sexual ethic and demonstrate the exact expressions of sexual behavior that God blesses.

This book is very well written. There is a study guide at the end of the book which would make it ideal for a small group study and discussion.   It is a challenging topic but the author succeeds in helping the reader to understand the issue of holy sexuality and the reasons behind it. I would highly recommend this book. It is an important book in light of the challenges we face in our culture today.

I  received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Chosen for Christ by Heather Holleman

Our desire is to be wanted by someone; to be picked to be on someone’s team when we were a child or to be chosen for a special award or a dream job. Heather Holleman makes the case that even when we have received what we wanted or achieved a great deal, we still are longing for acceptance or the desire to feel chosen. That longing is because as Christians we have already been chosen by an extraordinary God to lead an extraordinary life.  We are called to go deeper in our walk with Jesus.

The book is divided into three sections: Your present situation, The seven invitations, and What if I say yes? Each chapter has questions for reflection entitled “Your Next Step.”  This is a very practical book which guides the reader into understanding how the simple concept of being chosen by Christ helps to focus on the who and not the where, when and how of life. Knowing we are chosen helps us to remember that Jesus’s presence with us is all that matters.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Warfare by Tony Evans

The type of warfare addressed in this book is spiritual. Dr. Tony Evans makes the point that everything we do in the physical and visible realm is caused, provoked or influenced by something in the invisible spiritual realm.  Until we understand and deal with the spiritual root of a problem or issue in our lives, we will not be able to correct and fix the physical or visible effects of that problem. The battle is about Glory. The glory that is rightfully due to God, is what Satan wants for himself.

The book’s chapters include topics about the battle, Satan’s character and strategy, knowing our spiritual allies, our weapons and winning the battle. The book informs and instructs readers about  the basics of spiritual warfare and ways to battle back. The important thing to remember in spiritual battles is that Christians need to claim the victory that God has already won.

The book is very informative and helpful in understanding the supernatural battlefield. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

The Church in Babylon Study Guide by Erwin Lutzer

This study guide is a great accompaniment to the book, “The Church in Babylon.” Following the example of Daniel and the Jews living in Babylon, this guide will help to practically apply the principles illustrated in the book to engage our culture without being harmed spiritually by it. The topics discussed will encourage Christians to shine the light of Christ in a world which is increasingly dark.  The study guide is divided into 10 sections which follow the chapters of the book.  Each section is divided into three parts: a summary of the chapter from the book, questions for discussion and an encouragement to pray.

This would be a great tool to use in a small group setting and would help to guide thoughtful and meaningful discussions.  I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

This Is The Day by Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow is an inspirational leader in many areas. From his presence as an athlete and his leadership of the Tim Tebow Foundation, he lives out his Christian faith in many practical ways. This book encourages the reader to live each day with seeking God’s purpose and to make each day count.  Each chapter deals with a specific action that you can do to make a difference in your life starting with today. Some of those chapters include topics such as saying I love you to those family members in your life; leaving the past behind you and not listening to the wrong voices, and living a life of generosity with your time, talents and resources.

Tim uses many examples from his personal life to illustrate the principles in the book. From encounters to strangers in airports to engaging with those his foundation serves.  Each chapter has a “Make this your Day” section at the end of the chapter with a practical way to apply what has been read.

This book is challenging individuals to get out of their comfort zones and live the life God is calling them to live.  I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Publishers in exchange for this honest review.    

@waterbrookmultnomah   #PRHpartner

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Do Something Beautiful by R. York Moore

The subtitle of the book is “the story of everything and a guide to finding your place in it.” Some questions posed by the author include: what does my life today have to do with the bigger picture of it all and how can our faith in God become the source of doing beautiful things in the lives of others.  As the author states, “Light shines best in the darkness, and so the beauty, righteousness, and community of God shine best in places of despair and need, in the muddy field of broken lives and forgotten dreams.”  Encouragement is given to work with others who do not share the Christian faith in making a difference in our community where needs are present.  Using our own creativity along with others can create an overflow of ideas, abilities and energy.

On a practical note, the author encourages the reader to make a relational network map to identify people in your life that empower you  and who can come along side you to empower those in your network who are not thriving. Next make a community network map to identify your church and other community organizations with resources who could work together to give a hand to those who need it, those places that are desperate for righteousness, or the ugly places in need of beauty. The power comes when those who are filled with the Holy Spirit follow Jesus into new and possibly risky adventures. This books challenges Christians out of their comfort zone to make a difference in their own community.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

The Church in Babylon by Erwin Lutzer

Living a faithful life as a Christian is becoming more challenging being in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christianity.  Pastor Erwin Lutzer compares the life of Daniel in Babylon with what Christians are facing in the present time.  If Christians are to be lights in the present darkness, they have to make sure they themselves are not contributing to the darkness.

Each chapter in the book tackles the present issues of the time and discusses how a Christian can respond to those issues or in those situations.  Some of the topics include: the church, technology and purity; transgenderism, sexuality and the church; Islam, immigration and the church; finding God in enemy territory; and conflicts of conscience.  The discussion around all of these issues is thought provoking as well as challenging.    

Babylon is here to stay and this book is very helpful  laying out the challenges that Christians face today. I highly recommend it. There is a separate study guide and DVD to go with the book for use as a small group study. I would hope that many would read this book and discuss it in a small group setting. It would provoke much meaningful discussion.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Born to Wander by Michelle Van Loon

We all have a desire to wander – to look forward to a new place or perhaps a new adventure. But this also conflicts with our other desire to have security and control. The author takes us on a journey through Scripture to examine those who were pilgrims and exiles beginning with Adam.  She also shares her own pilgrimage. The reader will be challenged to see how God can use our times of exile to renew and transform us. As our situations and circumstances change, as Christians our identity and security are in Christ alone.  

This book is a good reminder that this world is not our home and our hope in God is what leads us home. At the end of each chapter there are questions for reflection and prayer which would aid in using this book for a personal study or a group study.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Redeeming How We Talk by Ken Wytsma and A.J. Swododa

Social media has an abundance of conversations, but are those conversations providing  meaningful dialogue between people?  Are we really listening to one another and connecting with one another? The authors of this book encourage readers to understand the power of meaningful conversations. They begin by exploring the world of words including the words we use to talk about God; deciding what words we will listen to; learning how to have hard conversations and seeing the image of God in all people even with those we disagreed with. These concepts along with others, help the reader to explore the way we use language to speak truth to others, challenge others and build up others.

Also covered in the book is the section on the words of God.  These words we can use as roadways to seek understanding and to love God and our neighbor in better ways. Our words are alive and are used to seek redemption and reconciliation.  What we says  matters  and this book is a valuable resource to aid us in speaking wisely.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Transforming Presence by Daniel Henderson

This informative book about the Holy Spirit reveals many assumptions we as Christians have made about the Holy Spirit. Reading this book challenged me to examine my own beliefs and to revise them where I sometimes viewed the Holy Spirit as an outside force and not an indwelling person. Examining Scripture revealed 10 practices for a new experience of the Holy Spirit which include: Evaluating your own assumptions about the Holy Spirit; Living in the power of the New Covenant; Pursuing the Indwelling Person; Worshiping like you are the House of the Lord; Experiencing the God who already showed up; Seeking a filling not a falling; Filtering the message in the music; Enjoying the gift of Biblical emotion; and Maximizing your New Covenant life plan.

A section included in the back of the book addresses the topic of revival and another section lists a New Covenant Worship vocabulary. All is all, this is a very inspiring book and one I intend to go back and study again.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

Old Paths, New Power by Daniel Henderson

Although this book is mainly for pastors, anyone who is in a church leadership position can benefit by reading this book. Daniel Henderson makes the case that the early church leaders knew that ministry was received not achieved. Their understanding was not that they had to reach the world for Christ, but rather Christ was ready to use them to reach the world.

Sections in the book include Christ’s Sufficiency in the Old Paths; Praying Leaders and the Sufficiency of God’s Spirit; Preaching Leaders and the Sufficiency of the Truth of God; and Faithful Leaders and the Hope of an Awakening of God.

The emphasis in the book is about getting back to the basics through prayer and the proclamation of God’s Word.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth & Dannah Gresh

In this updated version of  “Lies Young Women Believe, “  the authors expose 25 lies that are most commonly believed by today’s teen girls. Through Scripture and real life stories, the reader will be helped to overcome any lies they might believe.  The sections of the book include: The Landscape of Lies, Lies Young Women Believe, and Overcoming Lies.

Lies exposed include Lies about God, Lies about Satan, Lies about Myself, Lies about Sexuality, Lies about Relationships, Lies about my Faith, Lies about Sin, Lies about the Media, and Lies about the Future. Under each of these lies, topics are broken down into chapters with a section at the end of each chapter called “Dousing the Lies with the Truth.” This section addresses each aspect of the lie with the truth of God’s Word with specific Scripture references.  

The book is arranged in an engaging fashion and is designed with many illustrations and pictures. This would be a great book to use with teen girls in a small group setting or on a one on one basis.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Age of Crowns by Kori De Leon

This book is about looking forward.  While acknowledging the challenges of this life, the author encourages readers to look forward to the Age to Come.  She encourages us to become  “fairy-tale” philosophers,” those who approach the Word of God full of wonder because we serve a God of wonder who authored it.  In taking this approach, we can look at how God can use our present sufferings and challenges in a way to accomplish greater kingdom works. Using Scripture throughout and personal examples, this book challenges the readers to examine what they are pursuing and if they are overestimating our life in the here and now while underestimating our life with Christ both now and in the Age to Come.

The book is composed of three parts: Made For a Grand Adventure, The King and His Bride and Glorious Reward. Each chapter ends with thought provoking questions to further delve into the material presented.  This book would make a thought provoking individual study or in a small group setting.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

One Blood by John Perkins

This book is described as "parting words to the church on race." John Perkins, a pioneer in the Civil Rights movement has written his final book as a challenge to the church in America to address the racial divide and tension existing in the country and the church today. He makes the case that there is only one race, the human race, and as humans we were made from one blood and then saved by one blood which is that of Jesus Christ.

The author covers issues of lament and confession followed by forgiveness and prayer. Examples of successful multi-cultural churches are described throughout this book.

There are questions for each chapter which would be helpful to use in a small group setting. The first step in overcoming our division is to listen. This would be a great way to begin with discussing the book with people of various cultures in a group setting. I plan on doing just that in my local church and community.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Longing for Motherhood by Chelsea Patterson Sololik

This is an important book addressing the pain and suffering as the result of being unable to bear children. Chelsea Sololik found out at the age of nineteen that she would be unable to bear children. Her journey through the grief and suffering as a result of that condition is at times painfully honest. She openly shares her feelings as she processes what that means as she gives up the desire of bearing her own children.

She offers practical advice to individuals who are experiencing the same pain she has, those who are involved with someone dealing with infertility and finally how the church can minister to those who are suffering.

This book also explores how to grieve unfulfilled desires; how to trust God in the seasons of sorrow; how to fight for and hold on to hope and finally how to find purpose when a traditional mothering role is not an option.

I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with the issue of bearing their own children.
I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.   

Friday, April 6, 2018

Lies Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

This book is a updated and expanded version of the earlier book  “Lies Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free”  published in 2001 by the same author. This new book addresses some of the current issues facing a new generation of women.  The principles described in this book include identifying the area of spiritual bondage and/or sinful behavior;  identifying the root of the bondage and/or destructive behavior; and then replacing the lie found in the Truth of God’s Word, the Bible.

Lies women believe include lies believed about God, about themselves; about sin; about priorities; about sexuality; about marriage and children; about emotions; and about circumstances. At the end of each chapter are specific lies that women believe followed by the truth found in Scripture confronting each of those lies.

This book would be a valuable tool for a women’s small group study or individual study. It also would be a good tool to use for women who are mentoring other women.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Helping Without Hurting in Church Benevolence by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

This book is a very helpful handbook for those in church leadership who make decisions about giving financial help to their own members and to those outside the church coming to the church for assistance.  The book begins by explaining the basic principles of poverty relief and guides you through the complex nature of poverty.  The purpose is to prepare you see the challenges faced by low income families and to prepare you to walk along with those individuals in humility helping them to transform their lives.

Also included in this book are helpful tools and resources that the church can use as you enter into relationships with low income individuals. Various scenarios are also described to help you to see how the principles presented in this book are applied. An online portal with resources is also included at the end of the book.

This book is an extremely helpful tool to enable churches to respond in a compassionate and godly way to those who are hurting financially.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Patriot Number One by Lauren Hilgers

This is a true account of a Chinese man and his wife who left their Chinese village to seek asylum in the United States. Zhuang Liehong fears that his protests against the corrupt local government will end up with his imprisonment. He and his wife, Little Yan leave their infant son and travel to America. There in Flushing, New York they seek a better life and experience the ups and downs of adjusting to life in a new country along with keeping in touch what is happening in China.

This book shows what it is like for a Chinese immigrant to struggle with a new language, finding a job, and being separated from their loved ones. It is an eye opening look into the lives of those coming to this country seeking a better life. 

This book is published by Crown. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review. This will be my last review for Blogging for Books as it is closing. In all I have submitted 151 reviews for this program.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Riess, and David Van Biema

The Prayer Wheel is a rediscovered aid to prayer that was used in the Middle Ages. The wheel looks like a target with bands containing a significant Christian text divided into seven phrases aligned like spokes. These spokes radiate from the word "God" which is at the center.

The book is divided into daily readings using the prayer wheel and is divided into four sections: Seven Paths Through the Prayer Wheel; Praying the Wheel for Everyday Life; Praying the Scriptures with the Wheel and The Bands of the Wheel.

Would be helpful for those looking for a more structured guide in their prayer life. This book is published by Convergent Books.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Way to Brave by Andy McQuitty

Using the example of David facing Goliath, Andy McQuitty shows the reader how to develop a courageous faith in today’s challenging world. Only by relying on God can we become brave enough to live fully and courageously today and face tomorrow without fear.  There are some good reminders throughout the book including the fact that our primary mission on earth is not to engage the culture but to love our neighbor.

Using Scripture and personal illustrations throughout, the book is divided into the sections: God calls us, God anoints us, God breaks us, God tests us and God trains us.  There is much practical help in the book to help guide the reader along the pathway to a courageous soul and to embrace what God is doing in one’s life. Then when one has a Goliath moment in their live they will have the ability and the tools to stand, fight and win.  I found this book helpful in dealing with my own personal battles and would recommend it to others.

I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.

All Together Different by J. Brian Tucker & John Koessler

In this book, the authors draw from both Scripture and social identity theory to examine how we see ourselves as individuals and how that affects how we relate to others in community. Some issues examined include what part of our identity is fixed and what is alterable; how does sin affect our identity;  how our faith as Christians transforms our identity; and how personal  identity works itself out in church settings.The topics of racial and ethnic differences, gender identity and generational identity are also discussed.

The concluding chapter has helpful suggestions in moving forward in upholding the church’s unity while honoring the individual’s identity.  At the end of each chapter there are questions for reflection and discussion which would make this book a useful resource in a small group setting or for church  leadership teams to use to work through conflicts that arise in the church.  Understanding another person’s perspective and listening is always helpful in resolving conflict no matter what the setting. This book was informative and enlightening in understanding how to maintain one’s identity but also being in community with others.

I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

"When God Made Light" by Matthew Paul Turner & David Catrow

“When God Made Light” is a beautifully illustrated children’s book by the same writer and illustrator of “God Made You.” One of the lines in the beginning of the book says “Now, God made the sun to light up  our days, to cover our planet with life-filled rays.” The illustrations are of two sisters at play enjoying each other and the beauty of creation.  Their creative play in the sunlight and moonlight is simply delightful.

The author encourages the reader or listener to “beam like the sun and glimmer like a star.” This wonderful book is a great addition to any young child’s library and I am looking forward to reading it to my grandchildren.

The publisher is Waterbrook.  I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Where The Fire Falls by Karen Barnett

This book is the second in the “Vintage National Parks” novel series taking place in Yosemite National Park. Olivia Rutherford is hired to do a series of water color pictures depicting the scenery of Yosemite. Clark Johnson is a disillusioned pastor, working as a park guide, who was the victim of false accusations at his previous church. Olivia has some secrets of her own that she is dealing with and as they together experience the beauty of Yosemite, they both discover insights into who they are and struggle to find their way forward.

It was interesting to see what Yosemite was like in the 1920’s and would be of special interest to those who have visited there. This story is part mystery and part romance. At times, I felt the story did not mesh well together and there were some unanswered questions for me at the end of the story. It still was a light and enjoyable read however.

This book will be released by Waterbrook Publishers on June 5, 2018.

I received this advanced copy from Blogging for Books for this review.    

Friday, February 9, 2018

Nothing To Prove by Jennie Allen

Written by Jennie Allen, the founder of IF:Gathering, this book is helpful for all of us who have felt that we were not enough.  As she points out in the book, God knew we would never be enough. So He became enough for us. Jesus is enough.  The author encourages the reader to realize our dependency on Jesus and not to pursue meeting our needs in other ways.

The book is divided into two main sections:  Our Desert of Striving and God’s Streams of Enoughness.   Each chapter in the second section begins with a story from the Gospel of John and ends with some questions to reflect and act on. There are questions at the end of the book which would enable readers to read the book and discuss it at one time or over  a few session.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thought provoking book and was challenged by its words.  It is a book I will go back to often and reflect upon. The publisher of this book is Waterbrook. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.   

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How to Be a Perfect Christian by Babylon Bee

This "comprehensive guide to Christian living" is filled with humorous steps on how to be a perfect Christian. In this self proclaimed step by step guide to going from a clueless Christ follower to a supercharged megabeliever, the advice given ranges from finding a church that is built around you to how to serve the church without lifting a finger.

This is Christian satire at its best. I was familiar with Babylon Bee which pokes fun at Christian cultural quirks as well as many familiar trends and traditions. I had seen their articles on Facebook and thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and laughing out loud at some of the outrageous things in it. Through its humor, it will cause the reader to take a look at their own Christian walk and come to a better understanding of biblical faith. 

The publisher of this book is Multnomah. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

“This I Know” is a six week Bible Study guide focused on trusting your unknown future to a known God. Each week has a truth about knowing God presented for the week’s study. There are five daily lessons examining the truth about who God is. The reader is encouraged to take time to read and ponder the Scriptures presented and to allow the truth to sink in. Each day there is a prayer written to get you started with your own prayers for the day.  Then there is space for journaling your thoughts and prayers to record what you learned and discovered that day.  At end of each week there is a space to reflect on what you have learned and experienced during the week.

This study will provide hope and encouragement to anyone struggling with worry, anxiety or fear of the future. It provides an opportunity to reflect on and examine Scripture, to slow down and allow the Holy Spirit to work impressing the truth of God’s Word on individual hearts.    

This is geared mainly as an individual study but could also be used in a group setting. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

Grace for the Unexpected Journey by Deborah Barr

This 60 devotional is geared specifically towards those who are caring for someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Each day has a Scripture reading followed by a brief devotional. Also included is a thought following the devotional and reflections on the reading. There is a space to write answers to the questions and to journal.

This would be helpful for anyone who is dealing with someone with a form of dementia. It contains both practical advice and encouragement. This book gives permission for the caregiver to slow down and reflect on their feelings of isolation, frustration and grief to name a few. While there are no simple answers, the reader will leave with a feeling of hope and the sense that they are not alone.    

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Finding Your Brave by Holly Wagner

Using the example of Paul and his shipwreck found in Acts 27, Holly Wagner encourages the reader to find the courage to face the storms of life. Using personal stories and truth from the Bible, she offers practical ways to navigate through the turmoil that life may bring. Whether the storm you face is a health crisis, financial struggles, loneliness, depression, or addictions to name a few, this book is a valuable aid in helping you cope and to stay strong in the midst of your storm.

Beginning with fixing your mind on the truth of God and and embracing the people God has placed in your life, this book will help guide the reader through any overwhelming circumstances you may find yourself in. There are discussion questions at the back of the book to aid individual reflection and group discussion.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Last Stop in Brooklyn by Lawrence H. Levy

This is the third book in the Mary Handley Mystery series. This mystery takes place in the summer of 1894 in New York. Mary works as a private detective looking into a case of adultery when she stumbles on to a much bigger problem. There is corruption in the New York City police department and Mary in right in the thick of things as she tries to help a man whose brother was wrongly accused of murdering a prostitute.

She also discovers corruption involving some of the major stock giants of the day. She works with Harper Lloyd, an ace reporter along with reformer Jacob Riis to not only uncover the root of the corruption but to find a ruthless killer as well. Teddy Roosevelt also helps out as the potential police commissioner.

This is an entertaining mystery which includes some historical events and people. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Pierced and Embraced by Kelli Worrall

Can God's love hurt? That is the question posed by author Kelli Worrall in this book looking at the lives of seven women who had life changing encounters with Jesus. Examining the lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, the women at the well and other New Testament women, the author uses Scripture and literature to illustrate the lessons we can learn from these women. The author also shares her own personal journey through the struggles of infertility and her anger at God to a place where she encounters the transforming love of Christ,

I really appreciated the author's vulnerability in sharing her own journey and the truths she learned. This is an excellent book to use as a personal or group study. There are questions for reflection at the end of each chapter.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.     

Who Are You To Judge? by Erwin Lutzer

How to judge without begin judgmental? That is the question posed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer in this book. The book answers that question by looking at topics facing Christians both within and outside the church. The author reminds us that truth in important in dealing with matters such as doctrine, determining false prophets, and miracles to name a few. Other topics addressed include how much of Hollywood do we allow into our homes; what the relationship is between beauty and happiness; and how to interpret the spirit world.

Guidelines are also included for how to determine right from wrong and what are marks of integrity. This book provides much food for thought and shares insight into how to share the truth in love to those we come in contact with.

I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.