Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How to Be a Perfect Christian by Babylon Bee

This "comprehensive guide to Christian living" is filled with humorous steps on how to be a perfect Christian. In this self proclaimed step by step guide to going from a clueless Christ follower to a supercharged megabeliever, the advice given ranges from finding a church that is built around you to how to serve the church without lifting a finger.

This is Christian satire at its best. I was familiar with Babylon Bee which pokes fun at Christian cultural quirks as well as many familiar trends and traditions. I had seen their articles on Facebook and thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and laughing out loud at some of the outrageous things in it. Through its humor, it will cause the reader to take a look at their own Christian walk and come to a better understanding of biblical faith. 

The publisher of this book is Multnomah. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

“This I Know” is a six week Bible Study guide focused on trusting your unknown future to a known God. Each week has a truth about knowing God presented for the week’s study. There are five daily lessons examining the truth about who God is. The reader is encouraged to take time to read and ponder the Scriptures presented and to allow the truth to sink in. Each day there is a prayer written to get you started with your own prayers for the day.  Then there is space for journaling your thoughts and prayers to record what you learned and discovered that day.  At end of each week there is a space to reflect on what you have learned and experienced during the week.

This study will provide hope and encouragement to anyone struggling with worry, anxiety or fear of the future. It provides an opportunity to reflect on and examine Scripture, to slow down and allow the Holy Spirit to work impressing the truth of God’s Word on individual hearts.    

This is geared mainly as an individual study but could also be used in a group setting. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

Grace for the Unexpected Journey by Deborah Barr

This 60 devotional is geared specifically towards those who are caring for someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Each day has a Scripture reading followed by a brief devotional. Also included is a thought following the devotional and reflections on the reading. There is a space to write answers to the questions and to journal.

This would be helpful for anyone who is dealing with someone with a form of dementia. It contains both practical advice and encouragement. This book gives permission for the caregiver to slow down and reflect on their feelings of isolation, frustration and grief to name a few. While there are no simple answers, the reader will leave with a feeling of hope and the sense that they are not alone.    

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Finding Your Brave by Holly Wagner

Using the example of Paul and his shipwreck found in Acts 27, Holly Wagner encourages the reader to find the courage to face the storms of life. Using personal stories and truth from the Bible, she offers practical ways to navigate through the turmoil that life may bring. Whether the storm you face is a health crisis, financial struggles, loneliness, depression, or addictions to name a few, this book is a valuable aid in helping you cope and to stay strong in the midst of your storm.

Beginning with fixing your mind on the truth of God and and embracing the people God has placed in your life, this book will help guide the reader through any overwhelming circumstances you may find yourself in. There are discussion questions at the back of the book to aid individual reflection and group discussion.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Last Stop in Brooklyn by Lawrence H. Levy

This is the third book in the Mary Handley Mystery series. This mystery takes place in the summer of 1894 in New York. Mary works as a private detective looking into a case of adultery when she stumbles on to a much bigger problem. There is corruption in the New York City police department and Mary in right in the thick of things as she tries to help a man whose brother was wrongly accused of murdering a prostitute.

She also discovers corruption involving some of the major stock giants of the day. She works with Harper Lloyd, an ace reporter along with reformer Jacob Riis to not only uncover the root of the corruption but to find a ruthless killer as well. Teddy Roosevelt also helps out as the potential police commissioner.

This is an entertaining mystery which includes some historical events and people. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Pierced and Embraced by Kelli Worrall

Can God's love hurt? That is the question posed by author Kelli Worrall in this book looking at the lives of seven women who had life changing encounters with Jesus. Examining the lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, the women at the well and other New Testament women, the author uses Scripture and literature to illustrate the lessons we can learn from these women. The author also shares her own personal journey through the struggles of infertility and her anger at God to a place where she encounters the transforming love of Christ,

I really appreciated the author's vulnerability in sharing her own journey and the truths she learned. This is an excellent book to use as a personal or group study. There are questions for reflection at the end of each chapter.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.     

Who Are You To Judge? by Erwin Lutzer

How to judge without begin judgmental? That is the question posed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer in this book. The book answers that question by looking at topics facing Christians both within and outside the church. The author reminds us that truth in important in dealing with matters such as doctrine, determining false prophets, and miracles to name a few. Other topics addressed include how much of Hollywood do we allow into our homes; what the relationship is between beauty and happiness; and how to interpret the spirit world.

Guidelines are also included for how to determine right from wrong and what are marks of integrity. This book provides much food for thought and shares insight into how to share the truth in love to those we come in contact with.

I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.