Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Do Something Beautiful by R. York Moore

The subtitle of the book is “the story of everything and a guide to finding your place in it.” Some questions posed by the author include: what does my life today have to do with the bigger picture of it all and how can our faith in God become the source of doing beautiful things in the lives of others.  As the author states, “Light shines best in the darkness, and so the beauty, righteousness, and community of God shine best in places of despair and need, in the muddy field of broken lives and forgotten dreams.”  Encouragement is given to work with others who do not share the Christian faith in making a difference in our community where needs are present.  Using our own creativity along with others can create an overflow of ideas, abilities and energy.

On a practical note, the author encourages the reader to make a relational network map to identify people in your life that empower you  and who can come along side you to empower those in your network who are not thriving. Next make a community network map to identify your church and other community organizations with resources who could work together to give a hand to those who need it, those places that are desperate for righteousness, or the ugly places in need of beauty. The power comes when those who are filled with the Holy Spirit follow Jesus into new and possibly risky adventures. This books challenges Christians out of their comfort zone to make a difference in their own community.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

The Church in Babylon by Erwin Lutzer

Living a faithful life as a Christian is becoming more challenging being in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christianity.  Pastor Erwin Lutzer compares the life of Daniel in Babylon with what Christians are facing in the present time.  If Christians are to be lights in the present darkness, they have to make sure they themselves are not contributing to the darkness.

Each chapter in the book tackles the present issues of the time and discusses how a Christian can respond to those issues or in those situations.  Some of the topics include: the church, technology and purity; transgenderism, sexuality and the church; Islam, immigration and the church; finding God in enemy territory; and conflicts of conscience.  The discussion around all of these issues is thought provoking as well as challenging.    

Babylon is here to stay and this book is very helpful  laying out the challenges that Christians face today. I highly recommend it. There is a separate study guide and DVD to go with the book for use as a small group study. I would hope that many would read this book and discuss it in a small group setting. It would provoke much meaningful discussion.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Born to Wander by Michelle Van Loon

We all have a desire to wander – to look forward to a new place or perhaps a new adventure. But this also conflicts with our other desire to have security and control. The author takes us on a journey through Scripture to examine those who were pilgrims and exiles beginning with Adam.  She also shares her own pilgrimage. The reader will be challenged to see how God can use our times of exile to renew and transform us. As our situations and circumstances change, as Christians our identity and security are in Christ alone.  

This book is a good reminder that this world is not our home and our hope in God is what leads us home. At the end of each chapter there are questions for reflection and prayer which would aid in using this book for a personal study or a group study.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Redeeming How We Talk by Ken Wytsma and A.J. Swododa

Social media has an abundance of conversations, but are those conversations providing  meaningful dialogue between people?  Are we really listening to one another and connecting with one another? The authors of this book encourage readers to understand the power of meaningful conversations. They begin by exploring the world of words including the words we use to talk about God; deciding what words we will listen to; learning how to have hard conversations and seeing the image of God in all people even with those we disagreed with. These concepts along with others, help the reader to explore the way we use language to speak truth to others, challenge others and build up others.

Also covered in the book is the section on the words of God.  These words we can use as roadways to seek understanding and to love God and our neighbor in better ways. Our words are alive and are used to seek redemption and reconciliation.  What we says  matters  and this book is a valuable resource to aid us in speaking wisely.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.