Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The 7 Resolutions by Karl Clauson


How many times have you made New Year’s resolutions to break a bad habit or start a new routine only to fall short a few weeks later? Are you trying to live the Christian life on your own strength just like you are trying on your own to break a bad habit or made a decision? This book illustrates 7 resolutions you can make with God which will enable you to shed old patterns of living and live a new life in His power.

By affirming God’s way of doing things, you can radically change your life. The resolutions are Join God, Think Truth, Kill Sin, Choose Friends, Take Risks, Focus Effort, and Redeem Time. The book includes helpful application questions at the end of each chapter along with helpful online resources to use as an individual or as a group study. This is not another self-help book, but a guide to live fully in God’s power.

I highly recommend this book. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.