Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan

The prevailing thought in our culture today seems to be to follow your heart’s desires and if that leads you to believe that your sexual desires determine your identity that is fine as well. In this thought provoking and well researched book, Christopher Yuan takes issue with that belief. This is not a book only for those who struggle with same sex attraction or for those who care for someone who identifies as LGBTQ, it is for all of us as Rosaria Butterfield states in the Forward to the book.

The problem is when we allow our feelings and desires to define us as a person. In other words, what I feel becomes who I am. Where we need to start is at the beginning when God created all of us in His image, but because of the Fall, we are all distorted by sin. As Christians, when we realize we can understand our desires and submit them to Christ, we can begin to live according to God’s will.
Yuan goes on to define the concept of Holy Sexuality which consists of two paths: chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. Both of these paths display the only correct biblical sexual ethic and demonstrate the exact expressions of sexual behavior that God blesses.

This book is very well written. There is a study guide at the end of the book which would make it ideal for a small group study and discussion.   It is a challenging topic but the author succeeds in helping the reader to understand the issue of holy sexuality and the reasons behind it. I would highly recommend this book. It is an important book in light of the challenges we face in our culture today.

I  received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Chosen for Christ by Heather Holleman

Our desire is to be wanted by someone; to be picked to be on someone’s team when we were a child or to be chosen for a special award or a dream job. Heather Holleman makes the case that even when we have received what we wanted or achieved a great deal, we still are longing for acceptance or the desire to feel chosen. That longing is because as Christians we have already been chosen by an extraordinary God to lead an extraordinary life.  We are called to go deeper in our walk with Jesus.

The book is divided into three sections: Your present situation, The seven invitations, and What if I say yes? Each chapter has questions for reflection entitled “Your Next Step.”  This is a very practical book which guides the reader into understanding how the simple concept of being chosen by Christ helps to focus on the who and not the where, when and how of life. Knowing we are chosen helps us to remember that Jesus’s presence with us is all that matters.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.