Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The First Songs of Christmas by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth


This beautiful devotional book for Christmas focuses on Luke 1 & 2. As the ancient Jews waited and watched for their Redeemer, their experiences that first Christmas are something that we sing about today. These Jews did not simply have stories to share, they had songs to sing as well.

The songs of Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah, and Simeon as well as the angels are featured in this devotional covering the 31 days of December. This is a fresh look at the Christmas story and insight into the anthems sung will enrich your worship this Christmas season. This is a welcome additional to one’s personal devotions during the month of December.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

The Pursuit of God Devotional by A.W. Tozer


This classic book by A.W. Tozer, published in 1948, still resonates with readers today and has been an inspiration to many through the years. This new edition presented as a 31 day devotional book enables readers to take time to daily ponder the truths of this book.

Each day has its own title and a Scripture verse to focus on. Engaging illustrations capture the reader’s attention to highlight the meaning of the daily reading. This book is for all those who love the works of A.W. Tozer and for those who are interested in discovering his writings. I highly recommend this devotional.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Fractured Faith by Lina Abujamra


Many have been disillusioned with the church and have experienced hurt from other Christians or ministry leaders. Lina Abujamra shares openly and honestly with her deep disappointment and disillusionment with the church and the seeming silence of God throughout her pain.  As the author works through her pain and the fracturing of her faith, she shares biblical truth as she finds her way back to God.

In the chapters of the book, topics addressed include: “Where is God in My Pain”; “Is This How Christians are Supposed to Act”; “Is God Really Fair”; and “Is it Supposed to Be This Hard,” to name a few. At the end of each chapter, there questions for the reader to answer to reflect on the information presented.    

One of the quotes I really appreciated in this book is the statement, “The biggest mistake we make in Christianity is to make ourselves the center of our story.” I think this is a relevant and important book for every Christian to read and think about in finding your way back to God when Christianity doesn’t live up to your expectations.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  

Count It All Joy by John M. Perkins

John Perkins, who has suffered greatly during his 92 years, is well qualified to write a book on finding joy in suffering. Even though suffering is painful, it can also be a great teaching tool to draw a person closer to the Lord. Joy can be found in the midst of the pain.

Using Scripture to guide him, the author shares his personal story and the lessons he learned. The book is organized in three parts: When Suffering Chooses You, When You Choose Suffering, and Joy Comes in the Morning. In the back of the book there are questions for each of the nine chapters which would aid in personal or group study to delve deeper into the topics covered in the book. I highly recommend this important book written by a civil rights leader and a committed Christian community development leader.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Getting Over Yourself by Dean Inserra

 This is a very relevant book about the problem of the promotion of self-help and prosperity in the evangelical church. While this is nothing new in the church, this new form of the prosperity gospel promotes choosing one’s dreams, fulfilling one’s potential and being the best one can be. Unfortunately in all of this, this false theology has lost it’s connection to Christ and the real gospel message. This real gospel message is to take the focus off oneself and realize that as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest gift is Christ himself.  One of the results of this is that there is a lack of discipleship which does not equip people to understand a theology that includes hardship, death, failure, and a lack of glory here on earth. Without humility and dependence on Christ, believers are distracted from living as servants of Christ to living as servants of their own desires.

The author does share how believers can embrace the abundant life in Christ including:  Ask God to help you be gospel-centered; By grace, through Scripture, seek to increase your knowledge of God; Pursue the ordinary life; Find godly community and Pray for willingness to be marginalized.

I highly recommend this thought provoking book. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Overflow by Michael Reeves


This book is focused on how the joy of the Trinity inspires our mission. The book contains the following chapters: 

Introduction: Knowing the Triune God

God’s Love: The Fountain of All Goodness

God’s Glory: The Radiance of the World

God’s Abundance:  The Barren Land of No Trinity

God’s Light: Shining in the Darkness

Each chapter has questions for reflection which makes it appropriate for a group study. One of the quotes I found informative in the book is, “Mission is the overflow of love from the enjoyment of diving fellowship. As we partake in the Father’s pleasure in His Son, and the Son’s pleasure in His Father, and the Spirit’s enlivening of their mutual love, it causes us to share their love for the world, thus we become like what we worship.” Before we as Christians can engage in missions, we need to understand and respond to the love God has in first coming to us in the form of the Trinity.

I highly recommend this thought provoking and challenging book. I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Spurgeon on the Power of Scripture by Jason Allen

This is the second in the series “Spurgeon Speaks.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon was often referred to as the Prince of Preachers. Even though he was born nearly 200 years ago, his words are still relevant today and many are blessed by his teaching.

This volume is a collection of sermons on the power and importance of Scripture. One of the quotes in book which I think summarizes the purpose of Scripture in the life of the Christian is this, “May the Holy Spirit help us to think of the power of God’s word for four purposes – first, to excite our awe; second, to ensure our obedience; third, to inspire our confidence; and fourth, to direct our efforts.”   

Readers will be encouraged by the messages included in this collection:  “The Word of a King,” “The Bible Tried and Proved,” “The Infallibility of Scripture,” “Christ’s Indwelling Word,” “The Bible,” “The Warnings and Rewards of the Word of God,” and “How to Read the Bible.”  

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

A Field Guide for Genuine Community by Ben Connelly


This is a practical and informative guide to help Christians live out their faith in community that involves transparency and commitment. The book is set up to do as a 25 day group study. Each day starts with a reading of Scripture along a reading to flesh out the concept presented. The five week study is organized into topics each week: Why should I even care? Who is my spiritual family? What does a spiritual family do? When and Where does a spiritual family interact? and How do we start?  There are also 101 ways to move from façade to family included at the end of each daily reading. At the end of the week, there is an example of a church family living out community along with group discussion questions for the week.

This is a great starting point for small groups or churches looking to form genuine community that exists outside of Sunday mornings. The book is thought provoking and challenging and I highly recommend it.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.   

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Visual Word by Patrick Schreiner; Illustrated by Anthony M. Benedetto


This is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in studying the New Testament. The book is laid out as an overview as well as a visual outline of the content of each New Testament book. The icons, titles, and descriptions serve to summarize the main points of each book and how they connect with each other.

The illustrations are beautiful and relate to each section they head. The whole idea of this book is to give you an idea of the literary flow of each book and points to consider in delving deeper into each book.

This is a resource for those who are new to studying the Bible or experienced in Bible study. It can be used for individual study or for those who are teaching or leading a Bible study group. It presents information in a concise, visually appealing, and informative manner. The entire book is beautiful in its presentation.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review. 

What If Jesus Was Serious About Prayer by Skye Jethani


In the introduction the author states, “The truly radical Christian is not the one whose life appears extraordinary, but the one whose unseen communion with God is extraordinary. Living radically is about prayer, not prominence.” For the Christian who wants to live radically for Christ, this book about prayer is for you. It challenges some pre-conceived notions you may have about prayer.

The book is divided into six sections which include short chapters with creative illustrations. The sections are: What Prayer Is (and Isn’t); Keep It Simple (and Unceasing); It’s Off to Work (with God) We Go; Learning to Pray (Like Jesus); The Truth (And Nothing but the Truth) So Help Me God; and Prayer Changes (How You See) the World.

In the end, prayer is not about getting what answers we want, it is about desiring more of God Himself. This is a very helpful and practical book which I highly recommend.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

God of the Impossible by Rev. Stefano Fehr and Dr. Samuel Naaman


This book contains the stories of individuals who have come to faith in Christ from a Muslim background. These believers often pay a great price for their Christian faith in Muslim nations. Stories from believers living in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the United States are shared within the book. This book illustrates the great work God is doing among Muslims today which is a great source of encouragement and hope for all Christians.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Candor by Charles Causey


This book is an excellent resource for when difficult conversations need to take place. The guidelines explained in this book enable the reader to ask before speaking: is this necessary, is this loving, and is this truthful? Each chapter covers a different topic including having candor in leadership, having candor in families, as well as how to be honest with yourself and how to have candor with difficult people. Each chapter concludes with a helpful summary of the important points covered and reflection questions.

Helpful appendices include strategies for effective candor, the eight candor commitments, and discussion questions for groups.  This is an excellent guide in having conversations most of us would rather not have but need to. I plan to use this resource when the need arises.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.




Saturday, May 8, 2021

Walk with Me by Bill Mowry


This book is a very practical guide to walk with others, connect with them and help them to go deeper in their relationship with Christ. Each chapter focuses on various principles including to walk heart to heart, walk simple, walk slow, walk deep, and walk on mission. Practical examples are included to illustrate how to live out these principles in relationship to others.

I appreciated The Navigators Wheel which illustrates how Christ is the power in the hub of the wheel which motivates us to love Christ and to live that out in our lives and our relationships with others. In our fast-paced world I also appreciated the acronym in the chapter on walk slow which is Serve excellently, Love accordingly, Observe to learn, and Wait for God’s timing (SLOW). I highly recommend this book for anyone who desires to go deeper with another to encourage them in their Christian journey.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.     

When Faith is Forbidden by Todd Nettleton


This book is created as a 40 day devotional focusing on the testimonies of persecuted Christians around the world. Each daily devotional begins with a Scripture verse and then shares the account of a persecuted Christian from a country where you can suffer persecution or imprisonment for being a Christian. Also included are questions for reflection and a space for you to record your own thoughts. Lastly each day includes an entry from the author’s journal as he met with the person who shared his or her experience.

These testimonies challenge those of us as Christians who have no idea what it means to suffer for our faith. These stories will challenge the reader to think about the persecuted church and to reflect on their commitment to Christ and to pray for those who are persecuted for their faith in Christ.

This is eye opening, inspiring and challenging journey for 40 days. I highly recommend this devotional for anyone wanting to learn more about persecuted Christians and how to pray for them.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Turning of Days by Hannah Anderson


This is a beautiful book with beautiful illustrations by the author’s husband, Nathan Anderson. Organized around the four seasons, there are individual reflections about nature and related Scripture readings to go with each reflection. It is a celebration of the beauty of nature as well as God’s handiwork on display. In the back of the book is a field guide to aid the reader in learning to listen to what God is saying through nature. It encourages the reader to slow down and appreciate the details of the natural world. It has challenged me to look at the little things around me in nature and to slow down to appreciate the beauty and majesty of God’s creation. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to see God in the world around us.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.    

Discovering God Through the Arts by Terry Glaspey


In reading this book, I discovered a new appreciation of the arts which includes paintings, film, music, sculpture and other kinds of art. Appreciation of a work of art is more than just as a distraction or a useful decoration, as it can take on a different meaning allowing us to experience God in it. The author discusses various ways this can happen including helping us to pay attention, to dig for deeper meaning, to bring the Scriptures to life, and to discover and experience a sense of wonder, to name a few.

The book describes many works of art and the author shares his own personal story and that of others in discovering God through the arts. What is especially helpful is a chapter at the end of the book entitled “Soul Food: Resources for Your Spiritual Journey.” This chapter includes lists of books, films, music and other works of art along with artists to discover on your own. This book provides a way to grow closer to God by learning to appreciate beauty and creativity. I highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know by Terry Glaspey


This book is a wonderful introduction to some of the great artistic achievements of artists whose faith has enriched and inspired their works in a number of ways.  These works of art, music, writing, and films extend from the very beginning of the church to the present time.

This newly revised version in paperback includes 20 more pages that the first edition and expands some of the pictures of the artwork featured.  These works of art are not advertisements for Christianity, but are simply recording the truth as the artist saw and felt it. As the author puts it, “Art can reach places in the human heart that reasoned argument can never penetrate.”

Each masterpiece and the story behind it can be read as a daily devotional, as a reference book when wanting to refer to a particular work or straight through the entire book.  However you choose to read it, the stories are as fascinating as are the great works they describe.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.  



Creative God Colorful Us by Trillia Newbell


This wonderful book for children explains how God created each of us with diversity in His family with many colors and differing gifts and talents. In God’s colorful family, each individual has something to offer and heaven itself will be filled with believers of all different colors and nationalities.

The book is divided into chapters, each focusing on a different concept from Scripture such as creation, the fall, the rescuer found in Jesus Christ, and the principles involved in living in unity in God’s family. At the end of each chapter there are questions for the child to answer to reinforce the material presented in the chapter. There is also an activity for the child and adult to do together.

At the end of the book there is a section for the adults emphasizing the need to be “colorsmart” instead of using the word “colorblind.”  Being colorblind is not realistic and misses the opportunity to celebrate God’s good design. After all, the gospel is for all nations and we will rejoice in color forever.

This is must reading for all families in explaining the beauty of diversity. Children from elementary school through middle school would benefit from this book.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.



Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Great Cloud of Witnesses by Trillia Newbell


The focus of this Bible study is Hebrews, Chapter 11. This is a 6 week Bible study which can be adapted to an 8 week study as well. Each week includes an overview for the week and 5 days to explore and reflect on the focus of the week. You can do this study on your own or in a group setting.

This study will strengthen and deepen your own faith and you explore the lives of Abel, Noah, Rahab, Abraham and many more who remained faithful while undergoing challenges to their faith. By examining the great cloud of witnesses, you will also be encouraged to look to the Lord as you run the race He has set before you. I appreciated this study and the encouragement it offered to help me persevere through my own challenges and to remember that God is faithful.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.



The Joy Switch by Chris M. Cursey


This is a very interesting book that shows how brain science has found there is an actual “switch” inside your brain that activates joy.  Joy is what aids healthy emotions to occur. When we are not experiencing joy and our switch is turned off, we are unable to be at our best. You can discover how to recognize when you are losing joy, identify what triggers turn off your joy switch and how to continue to stay in the joy mode.

This book will aid in improving your awareness of how your relationship circuit is functioning and how you can use the joy switch to turn it back on if you are not experiencing joy. Each chapter includes questions at the end to help you apply what you have read. This is a very practical and helpful book to aid you in improving your level of joy along with practical insights to improving how you relate with others.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.