Thursday, April 1, 2021

Turning of Days by Hannah Anderson


This is a beautiful book with beautiful illustrations by the author’s husband, Nathan Anderson. Organized around the four seasons, there are individual reflections about nature and related Scripture readings to go with each reflection. It is a celebration of the beauty of nature as well as God’s handiwork on display. In the back of the book is a field guide to aid the reader in learning to listen to what God is saying through nature. It encourages the reader to slow down and appreciate the details of the natural world. It has challenged me to look at the little things around me in nature and to slow down to appreciate the beauty and majesty of God’s creation. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to see God in the world around us.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.    

Discovering God Through the Arts by Terry Glaspey


In reading this book, I discovered a new appreciation of the arts which includes paintings, film, music, sculpture and other kinds of art. Appreciation of a work of art is more than just as a distraction or a useful decoration, as it can take on a different meaning allowing us to experience God in it. The author discusses various ways this can happen including helping us to pay attention, to dig for deeper meaning, to bring the Scriptures to life, and to discover and experience a sense of wonder, to name a few.

The book describes many works of art and the author shares his own personal story and that of others in discovering God through the arts. What is especially helpful is a chapter at the end of the book entitled “Soul Food: Resources for Your Spiritual Journey.” This chapter includes lists of books, films, music and other works of art along with artists to discover on your own. This book provides a way to grow closer to God by learning to appreciate beauty and creativity. I highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.