Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Relational Reset by Dr. Laurel Shaler

This is an excellent book which contains practical help on relating to others.  So often we have blind spots which are bad relational habits of which we are unaware and that hinder the ways we relate to others.

Each chapter addresses a topic that may be a roadblock to relating in a healthy way to others, whether it be a spouse, co-worker, friend or family member.  The author’s purpose is to help the reader develop empathy for others, act from realistic expectations, and take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  In doing so, one can shed the unhealthy habits and have a new ability to relate in a new and confident way to God and to others.  

Topics addressed include:  envy, fear, insecurity, judgment and disappointment to name a few. At the end of each chapter there are helpful questions to help to process the information read and a prayer to aid the reader in applying the information.

I found this book to a valuable resource in learning to communicate better and to understand my own bad habits in relating to others.

I received this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Of Fire and Lions by Mesu Andrews

As Nebuchadnezzar invades Jerusalem, the city is besieged and many of its finest young people are taken back to Babylon as captives. Belili is taken along with Daniel and his three friends. Initially they are together in Babylon, but as Daniel and his three friends have important positions in the government, Belili remains a maid. Due to unforeseen circumstances she is taken from Babylon and finds herself  among idol worshipers and loses faith in the God of Israel.

Years later, she is reunited with Daniel and they marry and have children. Her children are not aware of her past and neither is Daniel. As the Medo-Persian army invades, her past may be revealed and Belili fears what her family will think of her.   Will her shame about her past threaten her renewed faith in God or will she be able to trust God to see her through the uncertain time?

Mesu Andrews does a wonderful job of bringing events from the Bible to life. This fictional account of the life of Daniel is a fascinating look at the culture of the Babylonians and what the Jewish captives had to survive.  There is a reading guide in the back of the book making to aid in discussing the book in a group setting.

I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers  in exchange for this honest review.