When I picked up this book, I expected to read about social justice. Instead this is a book about legal justice. I did not realize that there was a difference. Dr. Nyquist does a good job introducing the difference between social justice (the way we treat each other in daily interactions and how we relate to each other) and legal justice (justice rendered by a judge or ruling authority). He explains why justice so elusive for the following reasons: we make unjust laws, we have limited knowledge, we have darkened understanding as human beings and we have implicit bias. There are many examples of our imperfect legal system and those who have been victimized by it.
How we can do justice is described in the second section of the book. The topics of doing justice in the political arena, the public arena and in the personal arena are expounded on. And finally the topic of when we see justice in explained in the third section. The only time we will experience real justice in our world is when Christ returns.
The back of the book contains a resources section that featured both secular and faith based organizations that work with prisoners or in the area of legal justice.
I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.
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