Wednesday, March 7, 2018

All Together Different by J. Brian Tucker & John Koessler

In this book, the authors draw from both Scripture and social identity theory to examine how we see ourselves as individuals and how that affects how we relate to others in community. Some issues examined include what part of our identity is fixed and what is alterable; how does sin affect our identity;  how our faith as Christians transforms our identity; and how personal  identity works itself out in church settings.The topics of racial and ethnic differences, gender identity and generational identity are also discussed.

The concluding chapter has helpful suggestions in moving forward in upholding the church’s unity while honoring the individual’s identity.  At the end of each chapter there are questions for reflection and discussion which would make this book a useful resource in a small group setting or for church  leadership teams to use to work through conflicts that arise in the church.  Understanding another person’s perspective and listening is always helpful in resolving conflict no matter what the setting. This book was informative and enlightening in understanding how to maintain one’s identity but also being in community with others.

I received this book from Moody Publishers for this honest review.

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